Sunday, August 28, 2011
如果说,你发现你曾经等待过的那个人,已经不再是以前你所喜欢的那个他,你所等待过的他,跟现在是判若两人,你会怎样呢?可是你始终却还是放不下曾经喜欢过的那个他。我觉得好可怕,我喜欢的那个他已经消失不见,我却还是放不下,这样的我,要如何在寻找下一个恋人呢?我,不知道为什么到现在都还没谈过恋爱。是我的问题吗?很多人都说我太佻,可是,我没挑过。对于爱情,不是应该是感觉对了,缘分来了,才会有的吗? 可是,我身边的人,每一次都把它说成好像养猫养狗一样,在路边看到,就随便挑一个。就连养猫养狗,我想都要看缘分吧。现在的我,身边全都只是朋友。或许是还没遇到对的,或许是缘分还没到。虽然自己有时候也是会去想,可是,想了也没用,还是船到桥头自然直吧。

Today went to rebond my hair,and hav a haircut,i change my hairstyle,my fringe become short.I am so worried,dunno wat's the first impression my new hairstyle givs other's.Hope it wun be too bad.Last day of lunar 7th mth.Dad,did u come back within this one mth?I can't saw u,neither u let me dream of u.I hope u wun be too sad,as we are tinking of u everyday.We may be doing other's stuff,bt we did nt forget u,we juz keep u well somewhr in our heart,until we hav time,we bring u out again.U are noble dad ever.We love u. <3

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:37 PM