Sunday, July 30, 2006 morning wake up le mum saw me open eye le then ask me wan to go pioneer mall mah bt i am still very tired so nv ans..and lying on the bed can't bear to get up=X,then when i get up le,my mum and sis juz came back frm pioneer mall,buy watermelon...hahas...then i eat my breakfast and then online...nobody online..maybe too early le all still aslp bah,then in the afternoon my godbro come,bring his lunch along..his mum say he wan to hav lunch here-.-", cute^^,then went to the basa malam??hahas..nt sure hw to spell=X,went there wif my godbro,his mum,his sis and my mum...5 of us,then carry my godbro..suddenly a person knock on me and i say "oi",quite was E..lame=.=,then so paiseh...cos i almost fall,i was carrying my godbro she knock me so hard-.-",then nt all stalls was open so we buy some ice-cream frm pioneer mall...and went home..about 3.30pm my godbro still dun wan to slp so his mum bring him home and his sis was staying here and lata about evening we will bring her find her mum and go basa malam again..then hav our dinner le about 6pm sumthing...went there again...saw E nw is wif her family,hahas...wan to scare her de bt she turn and saw-.-,lolx=)..then buy some chicken wing and drumstick is for my bro and sis then my godbro buy a liang popo cd,he wan to cum our house and watch so his mum and sis went home then he cum our house..his dad will cum and fetch him lata...then we my mum room...then finish le my mum wan to slp, godbro ask my mum to company him in living room..then my mum sitting there and my godbro playing toy..then his dad cum le...he doesn't wan to go home bt too late liao so we ask him go home cum again another time loh..hmm...he dun seem too,wan him to slp at our house so can play wif him,lik last time he slp at our he went home nw i nth to do and here blogging loh..hahas^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
12:21 PM

Saturday, July 29, 2006
First 3 periods EOA today,do chart??Gonna print out next week,then math period after tat,teacher tell us some lame jk-.-,all ppl say "lame" after teacher giv the ans=P,then recess...JT and E turn buying food,so me and LL sit there and wait for them,they buy liao and say wan to go staircase and eat-.-,so we go..then yesterday the four gals purposely sit on there as they saw us sit there everytime so purposely find trouble...then we doesn't noe they r there mah,then when we go there and saw them sitting on there,E and JT say wa kao,me and LL nv say anything,then those gals lik siao char bo lik tat say 'see wat see lah',pls loh...if i noe they r there i wun look inside if they very choi and ppl wan to see them=.=",then still holding on to the food...ask my friends go in canteen and eat they dun wan,so we stand outside there eat loh,then bell ring le,3 periods of JA^^,we go the film by jack neo,'3 ge hao ren',telling us about things we shouldn't do,then DM Mr Gopal come up and tell us about those things,wan us to be guai guai=X,then after his speaking..we continue watching the show=),and after sch le,we went to LL house...and me and E went back sch to help JT and LL see sumthing and buy sumthing to eat and went LL house to take bag and went home at about 3 sumthing,eat the rice mum buy and play com and blogging nw^^,tat's all le,cya=P

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
7:17 AM

Friday, July 28, 2006
Today thursday,lesson all quite ok lah..nt tat bad accept for eng=X,always do worksheet and finish liao still gt some more-.-,first period mother tougue..spelling on whiteboard,i last week go liao so dun need to go..then my friend been call out,she tell teacher she go out before liao and teacher believe=.=",then after mother is eng 2 period,so boring...feel lik slping,then finally over le..2 math period,although oso keep doing bt more fun then eng lah,then recess le,sianz loh..tis year me and my 3 friends keep meting 'xiao ren',the four solve liao here come four again-.-??after we had eaten,went to toilet..and the bell rang,we gg out to queue up,then the four gals blocking there...we standing there and nv say anything...juz waiting for them to walk so we can line up at the back...then they walk away for us to walk..and we juz go to line up,then while lining up and waiting for us to go CPA of the idiots four gals saying loudly"dunno hw to say excuse me ah,mute ah..CB watsoever",then JT scolding back bt juz say among us nv shout back..i didn't really gt angry bt juz tink tat she's crazy>.

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
6:05 AM

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Nth to do today...E say she will be alone at house after sch today,then wan we all to meet out and we plan to go LL house..after sch...went to eat and bath,and meet wif E to go meet JT and LL and go LL complicated=X,then went up LL house..sumone is at her house,is a guy who rent house frm them,he actually shld be working bt eye pain then went home to slp so E,JT and me is curious of his look=X,so we keep turn by turn knock the door one time,bt he nv heard,then so bored at there,so we find the cane ball and it is at the guy we knock for long to get the ball,open at last...LL take the ball le then we went down,play and play...then getting more the ice-man and at last we play A-E-I-O-U,then time is 5 sumthing le...parents still waiting for me to go home and hav dinner we went home as E and JT wan to go home too...then went home le hav dinner and online for awhile and nw blogging..tat's all le=P

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
6:47 AM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Today is LL birthday,me and E went back home and change to PE T-shirt after sch as lata gt CCA,then LL and JT change to their home clothes,we went JP to eat and count as celebrate LL birthday at about 2pm sumthing..went to KFC and eat,four of us buy the same meal^^,and we went to shop for awhile as me and E hav to reach sch at 3.45pm,saw sum yuan ching sec de guys,JT and E wan me and LL help to get their number..hahas...they jkjk onli paiseh=X,then lata we go 3rd floor,those guys missing..hahas,then E and JT went down to 2nd floor..wan me and LL to find them and they run away=.=",E say wan late late go CCA then i say ok loh=X,cos frisbee is and LL still at 3rd floor..nv care them..then i saw those guys E and JT and tell them,they dun believe thought we r using tricks,time is 3.50pm liao..they still slowly walk up...then i ask E to go CCA liao lah..cos too late muz well dun me and LL went down and they didn't get to saw those guys...then me and E go CCA and JT and LL go home..time we reach CCA is 4.00pm,then actually is to run 3 round and 20 push up+sit up...then we onli walk 3 round then start frisbee game..and went home at about 6pm sumthing...about 7pm..went my godbro house,stay until home..he cry and wan to come..=(,wan to bring him back bt he tomoro early in the morning still hav to go child care so loh...tat's all le,cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
12:21 PM

Monday, July 24, 2006
Today go malaysia,go and walk for the whole day...quite bored,juz keep buying things and i was still unhappy wif my hair,feel to cry=(,bt didn't lah...lata let ppl worried-.-,then i juz shop wif my aunt and mum,three of us walking all the shopping and buy things..i was listening to MP3 while walking here and quite sad,wanna cry out-.-,then abit headache,sore throat haven recover...we went to eat chendol,nice=P...then ask my another aunt to come and drive us...we carry those things we brought to the car,she drive me to buy medicine as my mum told her i hav sore throat...then buy le,keep asking me remeber to hav it 2 tablets a day=.=,or esle next time if i hav sore throat again..any medicine oso cannot cure,then i tink is anti-biotik->malay words..hahas,then went to walk walk abit and go back to my aunt house,i went to her bed and nap for awhile and went back to singapore at about 6pm...and went to hav dinner wif my family and juz went back nt long...tat's all for today le bah^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
11:38 AM

Sunday, July 23, 2006
Plan to cut my hair today-.-,i was totally regret wif tis decision>.<,morning about 10am sumthing...went to cut,and i cry becos of tat...i even hurt myself,injured my hand and leg wif the sharper side of the was still pain,plan to go out and company E and JT to buy shoes..they wan to decorate on their own,then me and LL nv buy,we went out at about 12pm first i was full of anger and dun wan to go,bt tink for awhile tat i hav promised them so i went along...they actually cuming my house to see wat happen to me..,then we went boon lay,buy the shoes...can call as sch shoes bah..lolx...then dunno where to go,we go back to jp,i go watson and buy sumthing le and me and LL went toilet and JT and E go and hav a walk...after tat we call and meet again...JT and E went popular..ask me and LL go walk on our own first then lata meet up again,me and LL go and eat chocolate ice kacang,nt bad quite swt=.=",then we meet up wif E and JT after finishing...then we go E house and they wan to decorate the shoes,me and LL went there along to help out,at first me and LL help them to fold the star they buy at popular...then they ask LL to help them their shoes,then i sit there and continue the star^^,then lata they plan wat to paint liao then ask me help out too,less confident at me..all wan LL to do,quite hurt lah=X,then at last both of their shoes i oso hav do loh...finish their shoes le,four of us quite hungry,we went 651 and hav french fries,hahas..then went to the BB court near E house as her brother was at there,nt we went there nv saw him..then my godbro was at my house,i promise to buy swts for him,so i buy le bt wait to go home and giv me and JT went home first..LL waiting for her parents to arrive-.-, i went home le and then nth much happen le..

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:19 AM

Thursday, July 20, 2006
aww~yesterday thought recover le,today come again...-.-,mother ask me dun go sch go see doctor i gt go,cause gt 3 period of d&t leh,nv go lata cannot catch quite suay de,morning CPA,teacher saying my hair too long,kaoz...wanna cut my hair,siao..then pin it up friends oso kana catch accept for LL,PE lesson,the sun was hot..make me feel very faint-.-,then play hockey...dunno why,ppl take the stick i oso take the stick...lata times up le put back the stick,my hand suddenly the skin stick on the stick then i realise tat my hand hav blood,it was pain,bt small wound loh..then math,new things again...then recess head very pain...then my back oso...throat too,after recess le,eng period,do and do the WB,then d&t liao,I tell E tat my hand pain lata hw to do the things,then she wan to tell the teacher,she really did,then we laughing there cause the teacher look blur=X,then go workshop le,continue do loh,then hand very pain...then i do nt nice teacher help me abit,then gt one person hand injured..cut by the material there..then gt one teacher go take the plaster for her,she ask the teacher to get one for me too...then someone help me stick le i continue doing loh,then lata i cut by the material too...same wif the person=.=",then do and do kana cut again...kaoz..3 injuries=(,then after sch le went back le then go to slp,wake up le walk here and there then feel quite unwell de,then eat dinner,then went to downstair wif my mum and bro...didn't get to see my godbro,then went home and nw play com^^,tat's all le,cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:45 AM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Feeling so sick today..duno why,suddenly hav a sore throat and headache,and backache..old le=X,then tell my mum tis morning,she ask me dun go sch,she bring me go see i insist gg..-.-,thought today d&t will go workshop..tan say de..then at last nv go..kaoz...if i noe then i dun go sch le,scare lata cannot catch up and nobody help..cause my friends at another group...then first period mother tougue lesson..teacher quite gd lah..can slp...then i ly on the table and rest for awhile..tell my friend LL tat i feel very sick..she juz say orh..sad sia...nv care me lik ask me why feel so sick...den i nv care..E and JT sit behind me...keep pushing their table..they was head pain le still play=.=",then went back to class for CME,then no mood to listen to teacher,juz copy wat teacher write on the board...then 1 period of d&t lesson,talking among ourselves...still feeling very sick-.-,CPA lesson..print out our racial harmony project,kaoz...all printer no,no ink nv buy...waste our time,then recess...juz as normal,bt really nt feeling too well..hmm...then math lesson..1 period,learn new chapter...english lesson le,luckily english teacher nv come...first eng period was talking,hav a cold war wif my friends...cause of some problem...2nd eng period,reply my friend letter and slp,2 period of d&t,lik i say teacher say nv go workshop,so he was there showing his computer things..about d&t de,then me and E was lying on the table and talking,after sch,went home le...i went to slp,and can't slp,so eat the beancurd and hav medicine le,feel very cold..then went to slp again,on the music,slp for 1 hour bah,wake up and hav dinner,nw here blogging,nt so sick nw,still hav some headache bt nt very pain nw,hav sweat le,so nt cold nw...tat's all for today...

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
8:55 AM

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Yesterday,went to see the 2006 Singapore many ppl,go wif my friends..LL father drive us to the places..first time we go wrong places...then went up the car again..then reach le,there r SO MANY ppl..kaoz..lack of oxygen,at first the place was block,then open at 6.30pm..everyone juz squeeze and push-.-..stand at there..waiting for it to start...,then gt one ppl on the stage toking..then he say..frm S'pore ppl raise up the hand...ppl around us nv raise..then when the ppl on stage say..frm china raise hand...kaoz..then ppl around us raise hand,then we realise..we stand on wrong side..-.-bt doesn't matter...then 6.30pm change to 6.45,6.45 change to 7 and then 7.30pm-.-,LL say she nt feeling well..oO,maybe lack of oxygen=X..i tell E and JT,then we cannot squeeze out becos it was too squeezy and can't even hav a free space=.=",so we wan to call the guard there..we raise hand..he thought we r waving hand???Didn't we ask one guy infront to help us call..then finally respond..we tell him we wan to go out...and he ask we all to go out frm the back..haven start yet cannot stand liao..stay for one more second..i will lack of oxygen=X...then we go to find shopping and eat dinner..nt sure the place..anyhow walk...finish eating le..quite late le..then go back and see again..saw quan yi feng,bryan wong..then we go to the back stage..saw many police car...someone fighting??then we go back to front again..ah du singing..then i accidentally step on one guy shoes..=X..i turn back and he say sori to me..hahas..i shld be the one saying i apologise too=P,then E and JT suddenly walk quite and LL thought they r juz chasing handsome guy=X...then we go ask them..they say the guy was campus superstar the guy..dunno the name...then i tell them i juz nw accidentally step his leg leh..wa lau,so paiseh-.-",i wasn't aware tat he was campus superstar tat guy at all..hmm...then we went back to see and gt fan wen fang,su you peng and jack neo plus lee guo huang..then i very thirsty and the time is 9 sumthing pm le..i ask my friends wan go home le mah then we go find MRT station..walk for very long then MRT..i was worry tat so late le...and angry of cannot find drinks..then reach JP le,LL and JT walk home,me and E take bus..E bus come first..all of them went home and left me=(,wif so many black skin de 'bang ka la'..haiz..i dun wan to go anymore..nv again,unless gt any reason=X,then reach home 11pm,today everything ok loh,hav a cold war wif LL and JT at about 10am sumthing then "he hao" at 11.35am..hahas,funny yea?then went JA lesson do the project till 2pm..went home and E come my house and eat liao we wan to go CCA late late..then thought will kana scold..the teacher in charge nv come so we reach there haven start yet..then start at 4pm till 6pm and go home,my mum was at downstairs sitting there wif a friend..then i stay there and company her,then my godbro cum and then play for awhile his mother bring him home le and about 7 sumthing then went home,go bath,eat and nw blogging=P,tat's all le..

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
12:03 PM

Sunday, July 16, 2006
Go to eat Mcdonald in the morning wif my parents and well as my godbro..ask him cum along yesterday de,then go giant and walk..and go home...he stay at here till 3 sumthing then his mother cum and ask him go home slp..,ask me and my sis to go swimming wif them today,ask we all quite alot of times le bt my sis dun wan to go so dun feel lik gg too cos so embarass gg wif his family and me alone outsider..then today ask again...first i say dun wan bt my mum ask me go,i say if sis go i go..funny,sis today wan to go..then mum say she will be gg too^^ bt nv swim onli watch us-_-,then went jurong east swimming pool today wif my godbro,his parent and sis,my mother,sis and me at about 7pm,then reach le,go play lazy pool and play quite alot of time,so quite fun then we go the pool gt wave de,wave haven cum out..then many mosquitos IN the water..kaoz...then we go play lazy pool again-.-,then keep gg round and round at the lazy pool..till we saw the wave then play another two rounds for lazy pool then go to the pool tat hav wave and meet my godbro de parents..godbro de sis is wif us,then at first scare gt mosquitos..hahas,bt then dun hav le,after the wave stop...mosquitos cum again...=.=,then we went lazy pool for awhile then we go up and bath,change shirt le go eat KFC,so tired nw..o.o, at least quite fun lah..see my godbro there keep shivering..lolx..first time saw he cold till lik tat sia,his sis too..hahas,tat's all for today le..cya^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:15 AM

Friday, July 14, 2006
Today everything quite funny de..morning nth much happen, sis go find the four and talk to them about why keep bullying us..then after recess the four very buay song,so they keep saying us...then we didn't care,we do our project for racial harmony day until half,three of the four suddenly cum and apologize to using the kind of attitude...-.-,then JT nt happy wif their attitude so she say,nt happy dun apologize lah..then they start to quarrel,i turn back and shout to JT ask her stop quarrel wif her lah cos very fan and make me can't do my work properly..teacher is there..he is a relief teacher...he angry tat we shouting each others so he ask those who involve stand up..the four gals onli gt three stand,then we all four stand,aren't really happy...teacher ask wat happen..he settle wif us liao we saying all tat we r nt happy wif out,teacher say both sides gt wrong..then we r still in the dark...dun really noe whose is in fault,so they say after sch we settle and discuss outside the we did,wait for them awhile in sch then we go outside the sch..dun really lik the result of discussion..they say we r friends nw,birthday muz giv present??i onli use to giv my BEST friends present...maybe becos one of them birthday cuming so loh..dunno,juz dun lik wat hav been settle...feel to be classmates wif them onli..there's onli three of of them dun wan to come and settle cos she buay song..hack care,hmm...then everything is our FT fault,he dunno anyhow say wat to them so everything become misunderstand...then saw E mum when starting to go home,saw many ppl around the block near the sch..oO,seem lik they r gg to settle sumthing too..hahas..tat's all le..cya^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
7:23 AM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Today,those four chinese gals start again...while me and my friends chatting our own of those chinese gals say VERY loud..'say say lah' thought we r talking about them..E,LL and me were talking,we nv heard..Jt heard,then Jt shout back..'ya we say,cannot arh',then we ask Jt wat happen,then she tell us...they tink we so free talking about them..pls loh,we nt lik them..keep saying ppl,then after recess..we standing outside classroom..some our class boys play wif us..then they see le buay song..purposely say loudly..'laugh,laugh,laugh',damn idiots..laugh our business lah,crazy...then while doing work in the class..they keep looking back,then 'giam' four of us..kaoz...then four of them r class leader,so wat??nt teacher choose de loh!!volunteer themselves de loh!then collect things always last collect ours,and remember gt one time we pass up our "xi zi" books..LL book is on top,then is one of the four collect de,she purposely bring to the guys there then cum back tell us,"LL,ur book cover page spoil leh"..kaoz...feel lik bitting her loh=X,feeling tired at sch today...once we play or laugh,they will look at us lik we talking about them..i believe one day if i can't tolerate anymore...i sure shout back them lik wat Jt did today loh..tat's all unhappiness i met in sch today...

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
6:10 AM

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
My grandma didn't come today as yesterday they already say everything as usual plan le,my grandma will be staying at my uncle house then wed go for a small eye surgery,hope it's safe...then will be gg my aunt house after surgery as she will take care of her and about weeks lata cum back to our house and stay,today sch,those chinese gals disturb us again..siao,we didn't do anything to them then suddenly assembly cause gt ppl no partner so we hav to move infront then four of us nt sitting together,then two of the four saw le say wat "haha,so happy(cause we aren't sitting together)then the other one continue,luckily we sitting together!Kaoz,crazy,as if we care loh,say till so loud,find troubles onli-.-"..then nth much next,after sch gt i went E house for lunch,her mum cook fried "shui jiao" and soup..then we went CCA after tat..frm h&f change to the dog game frisbee,quite nt use to it...-.-,me and E keep complaining..hahas,finding for excuse to rest...funny loh..change our CCA without letting us noe in the first place,wtf=X,then say wat..even if u dun lik the game..try to learn it..pls loh,if we r nt interested..we dun even wan to go and touch it loh..and wan us to play??Sianz..finally gg home..6pm shld let us go liao then wasted our time till 6.15pm lik tat..then E and me saw our favourite teacher..hahas,he is talking wif another guy so nv disturb him..then we walk off...then lata E and me decide to ask the CCA teacher sumthing so we go back again...ask him alot of question tat we r nt happy wif=X,then after he ans us le,we went off,our favourite teacher still there...=),then he is alone standing there nw,he turn back and talk to us^^,then after some chatting,he tell us he is leaving sch soon=(..why all gd teacher leaving??then lata the guy chat wif him juz nw cum back we went off...then reach home le and hav dinner le..hahas,then using com nw..tat's all le=)

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:55 AM

Monday, July 10, 2006
Nth much happen today..about noon 12.30pm lik tat i online,then my friend E online,first time she online..cause she no com at home so she dunno go where and use the com..ask her dun wan tell me=/,chatting wif her quite sian,keep asking me to giv her tis person email tat person email=.=,so ma fan...hmm..then gt one guy i dun noe him bt he add me so i accept him as friend loh,then E say boring ask me invite ppl to the conversation so i invite him,he keep asking E ques so i nv care loh,then E ask me why so quiet i tell her i doing things cause i am finding sumthing,then they continue chatting,until i finish le i open the conversation and saw sumthing i quite angry de loh,cause the guy ask E is she frm malaysia then E ask who say de and the guy say is me???Crazy,i didn't even tell him i which country so hw would i mention to him my friend??Kaoz..then i write to E i didn't then E say nvm lah..wa lau,nvm??she is nt the one mah..ya la,gt guy of cos help guy lah,if i noe he is tis type of guy,i wun intro the E,lata she kana cheat-.-,then i juz went off the conversation,didn't wan to care her le,then finish my things le i offline and went to slp,about 4.30pm,my mum wake me up,then i wake up le about 5pm sumthing went dinner wif my family,my jie seem nt feeling well,then everyone mood lik nt so gd,at the lift saw the guy tat wait for me to go in the lift tat time,his sis is my sis de primary sch friend or sch mates bah??Nt sure,and then lift open le,all of them went out,then the guy went out le and press the lift and wait for my father and me to go out,so kind of him=X,hahas..then went to eat le,after dinner we went to giant,cause we hav dinner at pioneer mall...then go home after a walk..suddenly a call make everyone mood became quite bad again,tat is frm my uncle,wan to bring my grandma back tomoro to stay at our house,cause she went home on fri and actually 1 or 2 weeks lata then cum back de...nt we dun welcome her bt...she noe hw to bath on her own bt she rely on my mum yet my mum take care of baby so sumtime wun be able to help her bt she dun bath on her own when my mum nt free...she wait for my mum to free then help her,lik my mum dun need to rest..hmm...then my mum will hav to 'xin ku' again..tomoro hav h&f,sian arh-.-,dun really feel lik gg..tat's all..

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
8:08 AM

Sunday, July 09, 2006
Early in the morning went to pioneer mall wif my mum and jie today,nv eat breakfast so buy chocolate to eat=P,went home after buying those stuff tat we need...hmm..then play com,and eat the chocolate=X,nth to do le so i switch off and went to slp...about noon bah..wake and hav lunch and online again...saw boon then he ask for a testi for his Bdae then write for him le carry on playing and find songs until 3pm sumthing then walk here and there and went to slp again...=X,then wake up le watch tv,then eat dinner at about 5 sumthing bah..nt sure about the time=.=,then my godbro cum,hav dinner wif us...then while he having dinner,i online again=.=,then saw JT online and chat wif her,help her update friendster profile=P,she lik happy,and then offline and play wif my godbro,they stay here and play till 9pm sumthing and then go home..juz went off nt mum ask him wan slp here or go home slp,he choose go home..lolx,so tired nw bt dun feel lik to slp,so online and blogging nw..hahas..tat's all le bah..bye=P

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:06 AM

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Today morning,thought i will be late for sch,bt at last we reach the sch at 7am,nv late bt cannot find my friends so i went up hall myself-.-,then i sit quite infront wif the four chinese gals tat always sit infront,then keep waiting for them to cum up the by the time they cum in...ppl sit le so they sit quite far behind frm me,we went EOA lesson after assembly,do the report all tis lik project bah,for training us,let us noe hw to do..then print out after done,and after 3 period of EOA is math,the math teacher say our class today very guai and tell us a jk,hahas..quite funny=P,whole class laugh...then continue back to normal,do,and do...recess le..everyone is excited to anyhow greet liao wan to go,teacher ask we all go back and stand behind the chair giv a proper greet,keep dragging our time..=/,then go recess le,me and my friends gg JP after sch cause early dismiss so we onli hav drink for recess,after recess gt one period of JA..having the lesson in library...then times up liao the teacher still say giv her 5 mins,kaoz..10 mins she take loh...then lata can go liao one more extra come in wan us do survey for the lesson we hav learn,do le then pass up le we go off...go jp eat KFC...then sitting there chat about our personal things,then go around the JP,my friends say wan to go library,so we went..saw my aunt and awhile and then she go home,me and my friends go in library,no sit for us so my friends say wan to go home...actually wan to sit at LL house downstair the table and chat for awhile then when reach there they say tired le,so we went home..dunno why i nv talk then they thought i angry keep making things for me to laugh bt i juz can't laugh out...*nt funny*-.-,then LL reach her house le say bye to me i nv ans..quite regret de,lik make till everyone nt they didn't angry anw,juz tat i feel i am spoiling the mood...maybe i am nt in gd mood bah..reach home le i went to slp and juz wake feel to write out all tis..tat' all le,cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
4:37 AM

Friday, July 07, 2006,nth special to add..juz as normal,went to sch and study study of my friend sudden tell me today tat she feel lik to transfer sch..i ask why?She ans..she dun lik tis sch,tis class..i tell her tat she still gt us..she reply tat we sumtime oso gt tiff,and frm her eyes i can see tat she's tired of the sch,class and classmates...even me,myself tired of tat too...everytime four of us went to sch,we will hav to tolerate some chinese gals in our class,they oso four together de,we r juz lik enermy bah-.-,Bt my friendster and msn list hav them cause they add me..funny yea?Hmm...lik wat my friends told me yesterday,d&t lesson..i am different group frm my peers as my index far frm theirs,then 3 of my friends in the same group wif two of our enermy..then the other two is same group wif me,same group wif me tat two is okok lah,cause they nv disturb me loh..i do my own stuff and nv care about them...then the two same group wif my friends lik to disturb my friends lik wat my friends tell me,yesterday d&t lesson,they line up outside d&t of the two keep open and close the door then the door knock my friends,the other one ask her stop it then she say she purposely de..wa friends let them bully de ah...haiz..we hates them alot!!I am tired of tat..i am sure my three friends hav the same feeling...hmm,if a sch onli hav four of us dun hav sch or class mates,tat will be great=.="..tis things onli happen in dream..hahas,tat's all for today le,cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
8:07 AM

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Went to Haw Par Villa at about 12pm sumthing today wif my first one of them say dun wan to go then 3 of us go find last she go along wif us,hahas..having fun there..we take photos...look at the statue there...walk around,about 2pm sumthing,the weather getting hotter,so we went to the coffee shop there and hav some drinks,we discuss where to go next,after some discussion..we decided to go shopping ,we go the nearest shopping there..Harbour Front,nth to do at there,nth to shop,all adults things..then we discuss again to go others places...they force me to choose,then i noe they dun lik go JP cause they go sian liao so i say go JP=X,then kana scold..=/,then we go MRT station looking at the map discuss VERY long...then i choose city hall,LL choose bugis,JT choose bugis oso and E choose koven..mine and E choices rejected by both of them so at last we go bugis=.=,go there quite many times le,then once we reach there we go to eat as they haven had breakfast bt i had le and lunch four of us haven eat yet..time is about 2pm sumthing reaching 3pm,we eat nasi lemak and drink fruit juice,we go and shop then saw the wallet quite nice de,Hello Kitty pict then we decided to buy bt dun hav four same de so we buy two by two,Jt and E then same then mine and LL the same...then we tired le cause tomoro hav sch so we decided to go home..reach boon lay MRT station le,then we go JP for awhile and hav a walk then we walk home-.-,nv take bus..then we go and buy drink frm the machine near LL house liao then lata all went home liao i walk home myself cause my house far then theirs..lolx..and then reach home eat le rest le nw here writing tis blog=P,tat's all about today le bah=),cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
7:25 AM

Monday, July 03, 2006
Today at about 1pm sumthing bah..went to JP wif my jie..quan(our godbro) gg along wif us too...hahas..bringing him along having alots of jk bt oso quite ma fan de=X,cause after awhile he tired le then we turn by turn carry him then we go KFC after a walk..hav mashes potato and pop corn there le then go shop again..we go Value shop buy some swt and chocolate for self and god bro liao then continue walking around,then quan wan to go arcade..lolx...then no choice bt to bring him there...juz let him play on the machine nv put money..hahas,cause he oso dunno which machine he wan..awhile tis awhile tat de..then we went pearl tea..and then my jie say wan to go Macdonald to eat french fries then we go there..while my jie buying..the ma fan de xiao gua wan go toilet=X,lolx...Macdonald no toilet so i carry him to find..1st storey too many ppl le..then went to 3rd storey..after tat..we go back to jie didn't buy french fries bt twister fries and nuggets...we eat finish le..feeling thirsty,so my jie buy green tea at Macdonald..after drinking we went to Toys shop,my godbro wan to buy sweets again...-.-,then we buy for him then feeling tired we bring him back to our house as his mother at our house...=/his sis keep taking the swt we buy for we oso hav buy one packets of coin chocolate for her bt she keep taking her brother de..kaoz...=.=,he went back home wif his mother le..then i switch on the com and start to write all tis nw=P,hand abit pain..maybe because carry him too much le bah=),quite least wun be bored=X,alrite,tat's all le,bye

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
5:12 AM

Sunday, July 02, 2006
One day blog two times=X..hahas,cause nw nth to do again...juz nw about 4pm sumthing bah, saw my cousin in msn,chat wif her then she mention to go play basketball together wif my kor, jie, me, her bro and kor, jie and me go to their house at about 5pm..then we go play at about 5.30pm,we play match,it was fun...quite a long time nv play le so kinda lousy de..=X,then my jie suay sia..kana hit by ball 2 to 3 times..and press down by us 2 times...hahas..then although i quite lousy bt luckily i hav win some points..then finish the first round le..5 person we tink tat quite sianz so we ask another two sec 1 guys to join in..and we play for second round, third round...then about 7pm sumthing le..quite late le so we went back home...saw my father at our blk work soon...then we talk for awhile and went home...went home le, my mother at my godbro kor and jie lazy to go so i went myself,cause his house is juz next to our blk,and reach there le, sit for awhile my mother say wanna go home le so we went home together and i go bath and then eat...full le so nw bo liao=X..tat's all le..cya=)

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
8:09 AM

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Nw so family nw watching the i blogging nw and nv watch..hahas,my step ahead still cannot find...tink hav been steal and change name by someone le bah..hav to buy new one and redo..sianz-.-,yesterday sch quite fun accept for math=X,the teacher ask me to stand up for awhile onli lah,count as punish loh..the boon in my class loh..keep talking to me then take my calculator away...then teacher saw me talking ask me to stand for awhile then ask me to sit=/,then my friends say last time math teacher wun lik tat de loh..i super agree wif tat=P,hmm..then after recess 3 period of JA lesson..go AVA room...quite bored bt at least dun need to study and can hav air-con in the room lah..kinda gd de,then after JA lesson we went home...i saw my jie then walk together wif her and one of my friend to 651 buy chocolate liao then go home wif my jie and my friend went home too...tat's all for yesterday and today..^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
11:12 PM