Friday, July 07, 2006,nth special to add..juz as normal,went to sch and study study of my friend sudden tell me today tat she feel lik to transfer sch..i ask why?She ans..she dun lik tis sch,tis class..i tell her tat she still gt us..she reply tat we sumtime oso gt tiff,and frm her eyes i can see tat she's tired of the sch,class and classmates...even me,myself tired of tat too...everytime four of us went to sch,we will hav to tolerate some chinese gals in our class,they oso four together de,we r juz lik enermy bah-.-,Bt my friendster and msn list hav them cause they add me..funny yea?Hmm...lik wat my friends told me yesterday,d&t lesson..i am different group frm my peers as my index far frm theirs,then 3 of my friends in the same group wif two of our enermy..then the other two is same group wif me,same group wif me tat two is okok lah,cause they nv disturb me loh..i do my own stuff and nv care about them...then the two same group wif my friends lik to disturb my friends lik wat my friends tell me,yesterday d&t lesson,they line up outside d&t of the two keep open and close the door then the door knock my friends,the other one ask her stop it then she say she purposely de..wa friends let them bully de ah...haiz..we hates them alot!!I am tired of tat..i am sure my three friends hav the same feeling...hmm,if a sch onli hav four of us dun hav sch or class mates,tat will be great=.="..tis things onli happen in dream..hahas,tat's all for today le,cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
8:07 AM