Sunday, July 23, 2006
Plan to cut my hair today-.-,i was totally regret wif tis decision>.<,morning about 10am sumthing...went to cut,and i cry becos of tat...i even hurt myself,injured my hand and leg wif the sharper side of the was still pain,plan to go out and company E and JT to buy shoes..they wan to decorate on their own,then me and LL nv buy,we went out at about 12pm first i was full of anger and dun wan to go,bt tink for awhile tat i hav promised them so i went along...they actually cuming my house to see wat happen to me..,then we went boon lay,buy the shoes...can call as sch shoes bah..lolx...then dunno where to go,we go back to jp,i go watson and buy sumthing le and me and LL went toilet and JT and E go and hav a walk...after tat we call and meet again...JT and E went popular..ask me and LL go walk on our own first then lata meet up again,me and LL go and eat chocolate ice kacang,nt bad quite swt=.=",then we meet up wif E and JT after finishing...then we go E house and they wan to decorate the shoes,me and LL went there along to help out,at first me and LL help them to fold the star they buy at popular...then they ask LL to help them their shoes,then i sit there and continue the star^^,then lata they plan wat to paint liao then ask me help out too,less confident at me..all wan LL to do,quite hurt lah=X,then at last both of their shoes i oso hav do loh...finish their shoes le,four of us quite hungry,we went 651 and hav french fries,hahas..then went to the BB court near E house as her brother was at there,nt we went there nv saw him..then my godbro was at my house,i promise to buy swts for him,so i buy le bt wait to go home and giv me and JT went home first..LL waiting for her parents to arrive-.-, i went home le and then nth much happen le..

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:19 AM