Monday, July 10, 2006
Nth much happen today..about noon 12.30pm lik tat i online,then my friend E online,first time she online..cause she no com at home so she dunno go where and use the com..ask her dun wan tell me=/,chatting wif her quite sian,keep asking me to giv her tis person email tat person email=.=,so ma fan...hmm..then gt one guy i dun noe him bt he add me so i accept him as friend loh,then E say boring ask me invite ppl to the conversation so i invite him,he keep asking E ques so i nv care loh,then E ask me why so quiet i tell her i doing things cause i am finding sumthing,then they continue chatting,until i finish le i open the conversation and saw sumthing i quite angry de loh,cause the guy ask E is she frm malaysia then E ask who say de and the guy say is me???Crazy,i didn't even tell him i which country so hw would i mention to him my friend??Kaoz..then i write to E i didn't then E say nvm lah..wa lau,nvm??she is nt the one mah..ya la,gt guy of cos help guy lah,if i noe he is tis type of guy,i wun intro the E,lata she kana cheat-.-,then i juz went off the conversation,didn't wan to care her le,then finish my things le i offline and went to slp,about 4.30pm,my mum wake me up,then i wake up le about 5pm sumthing went dinner wif my family,my jie seem nt feeling well,then everyone mood lik nt so gd,at the lift saw the guy tat wait for me to go in the lift tat time,his sis is my sis de primary sch friend or sch mates bah??Nt sure,and then lift open le,all of them went out,then the guy went out le and press the lift and wait for my father and me to go out,so kind of him=X,hahas..then went to eat le,after dinner we went to giant,cause we hav dinner at pioneer mall...then go home after a walk..suddenly a call make everyone mood became quite bad again,tat is frm my uncle,wan to bring my grandma back tomoro to stay at our house,cause she went home on fri and actually 1 or 2 weeks lata then cum back de...nt we dun welcome her bt...she noe hw to bath on her own bt she rely on my mum yet my mum take care of baby so sumtime wun be able to help her bt she dun bath on her own when my mum nt free...she wait for my mum to free then help her,lik my mum dun need to rest..hmm...then my mum will hav to 'xin ku' again..tomoro hav h&f,sian arh-.-,dun really feel lik gg..tat's all..

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
8:08 AM