Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Today,those four chinese gals start again...while me and my friends chatting our own of those chinese gals say VERY loud..'say say lah' thought we r talking about them..E,LL and me were talking,we nv heard..Jt heard,then Jt shout back..'ya we say,cannot arh',then we ask Jt wat happen,then she tell us...they tink we so free talking about them..pls loh,we nt lik them..keep saying ppl,then after recess..we standing outside classroom..some our class boys play wif us..then they see le buay song..purposely say loudly..'laugh,laugh,laugh',damn idiots..laugh our business lah,crazy...then while doing work in the class..they keep looking back,then 'giam' four of us..kaoz...then four of them r class leader,so wat??nt teacher choose de loh!!volunteer themselves de loh!then collect things always last collect ours,and remember gt one time we pass up our "xi zi" books..LL book is on top,then is one of the four collect de,she purposely bring to the guys there then cum back tell us,"LL,ur book cover page spoil leh"..kaoz...feel lik bitting her loh=X,feeling tired at sch today...once we play or laugh,they will look at us lik we talking about them..i believe one day if i can't tolerate anymore...i sure shout back them lik wat Jt did today loh..tat's all unhappiness i met in sch today...

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
6:10 AM