Saturday, July 01, 2006
Nw so family nw watching the i blogging nw and nv watch..hahas,my step ahead still cannot find...tink hav been steal and change name by someone le bah..hav to buy new one and redo..sianz-.-,yesterday sch quite fun accept for math=X,the teacher ask me to stand up for awhile onli lah,count as punish loh..the boon in my class loh..keep talking to me then take my calculator away...then teacher saw me talking ask me to stand for awhile then ask me to sit=/,then my friends say last time math teacher wun lik tat de loh..i super agree wif tat=P,hmm..then after recess 3 period of JA lesson..go AVA room...quite bored bt at least dun need to study and can hav air-con in the room lah..kinda gd de,then after JA lesson we went home...i saw my jie then walk together wif her and one of my friend to 651 buy chocolate liao then go home wif my jie and my friend went home too...tat's all for yesterday and today..^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
11:12 PM