Sunday, July 30, 2006 morning wake up le mum saw me open eye le then ask me wan to go pioneer mall mah bt i am still very tired so nv ans..and lying on the bed can't bear to get up=X,then when i get up le,my mum and sis juz came back frm pioneer mall,buy watermelon...hahas...then i eat my breakfast and then online...nobody online..maybe too early le all still aslp bah,then in the afternoon my godbro come,bring his lunch along..his mum say he wan to hav lunch here-.-", cute^^,then went to the basa malam??hahas..nt sure hw to spell=X,went there wif my godbro,his mum,his sis and my mum...5 of us,then carry my godbro..suddenly a person knock on me and i say "oi",quite was E..lame=.=,then so paiseh...cos i almost fall,i was carrying my godbro she knock me so hard-.-",then nt all stalls was open so we buy some ice-cream frm pioneer mall...and went home..about 3.30pm my godbro still dun wan to slp so his mum bring him home and his sis was staying here and lata about evening we will bring her find her mum and go basa malam again..then hav our dinner le about 6pm sumthing...went there again...saw E nw is wif her family,hahas...wan to scare her de bt she turn and saw-.-,lolx=)..then buy some chicken wing and drumstick is for my bro and sis then my godbro buy a liang popo cd,he wan to cum our house and watch so his mum and sis went home then he cum our house..his dad will cum and fetch him lata...then we my mum room...then finish le my mum wan to slp, godbro ask my mum to company him in living room..then my mum sitting there and my godbro playing toy..then his dad cum le...he doesn't wan to go home bt too late liao so we ask him go home cum again another time loh..hmm...he dun seem too,wan him to slp at our house so can play wif him,lik last time he slp at our he went home nw i nth to do and here blogging loh..hahas^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
12:21 PM