Sunday, July 09, 2006
Early in the morning went to pioneer mall wif my mum and jie today,nv eat breakfast so buy chocolate to eat=P,went home after buying those stuff tat we need...hmm..then play com,and eat the chocolate=X,nth to do le so i switch off and went to slp...about noon bah..wake and hav lunch and online again...saw boon then he ask for a testi for his Bdae then write for him le carry on playing and find songs until 3pm sumthing then walk here and there and went to slp again...=X,then wake up le watch tv,then eat dinner at about 5 sumthing bah..nt sure about the time=.=,then my godbro cum,hav dinner wif us...then while he having dinner,i online again=.=,then saw JT online and chat wif her,help her update friendster profile=P,she lik happy,and then offline and play wif my godbro,they stay here and play till 9pm sumthing and then go home..juz went off nt mum ask him wan slp here or go home slp,he choose go home..lolx,so tired nw bt dun feel lik to slp,so online and blogging nw..hahas..tat's all le bah..bye=P

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:06 AM