Saturday, July 29, 2006
First 3 periods EOA today,do chart??Gonna print out next week,then math period after tat,teacher tell us some lame jk-.-,all ppl say "lame" after teacher giv the ans=P,then recess...JT and E turn buying food,so me and LL sit there and wait for them,they buy liao and say wan to go staircase and eat-.-,so we go..then yesterday the four gals purposely sit on there as they saw us sit there everytime so purposely find trouble...then we doesn't noe they r there mah,then when we go there and saw them sitting on there,E and JT say wa kao,me and LL nv say anything,then those gals lik siao char bo lik tat say 'see wat see lah',pls loh...if i noe they r there i wun look inside if they very choi and ppl wan to see them=.=",then still holding on to the food...ask my friends go in canteen and eat they dun wan,so we stand outside there eat loh,then bell ring le,3 periods of JA^^,we go the film by jack neo,'3 ge hao ren',telling us about things we shouldn't do,then DM Mr Gopal come up and tell us about those things,wan us to be guai guai=X,then after his speaking..we continue watching the show=),and after sch le,we went to LL house...and me and E went back sch to help JT and LL see sumthing and buy sumthing to eat and went LL house to take bag and went home at about 3 sumthing,eat the rice mum buy and play com and blogging nw^^,tat's all le,cya=P

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
7:17 AM