Monday, July 24, 2006
Today go malaysia,go and walk for the whole day...quite bored,juz keep buying things and i was still unhappy wif my hair,feel to cry=(,bt didn't lah...lata let ppl worried-.-,then i juz shop wif my aunt and mum,three of us walking all the shopping and buy things..i was listening to MP3 while walking here and quite sad,wanna cry out-.-,then abit headache,sore throat haven recover...we went to eat chendol,nice=P...then ask my another aunt to come and drive us...we carry those things we brought to the car,she drive me to buy medicine as my mum told her i hav sore throat...then buy le,keep asking me remeber to hav it 2 tablets a day=.=,or esle next time if i hav sore throat again..any medicine oso cannot cure,then i tink is anti-biotik->malay words..hahas,then went to walk walk abit and go back to my aunt house,i went to her bed and nap for awhile and went back to singapore at about 6pm...and went to hav dinner wif my family and juz went back nt long...tat's all for today le bah^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
11:38 AM