Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Went to Haw Par Villa at about 12pm sumthing today wif my friends..at first one of them say dun wan to go then 3 of us go find her..at last she go along wif us,hahas..having fun there..we take photos...look at the statue there...walk around,about 2pm sumthing,the weather getting hotter,so we went to the coffee shop there and hav some drinks,we discuss where to go next,after some discussion..we decided to go shopping ,we go the nearest shopping there..Harbour Front,nth to do at there,nth to shop,all adults things..then we discuss again to go others places...they force me to choose,then i noe they dun lik go JP cause they go sian liao so i say go JP=X,then kana scold..=/,then we go MRT station looking at the map discuss VERY long...then i choose city hall,LL choose bugis,JT choose bugis oso and E choose koven..mine and E choices rejected by both of them so at last we go bugis=.=,go there quite many times le,then once we reach there we go to eat as they haven had breakfast bt i had le and lunch four of us haven eat yet..time is about 2pm sumthing reaching 3pm,we eat nasi lemak and drink fruit juice,we go and shop then saw the wallet quite nice de,Hello Kitty pict then we decided to buy bt dun hav four same de so we buy two by two,Jt and E then same then mine and LL the same...then we tired le cause tomoro hav sch so we decided to go home..reach boon lay MRT station le,then we go JP for awhile and hav a walk then we walk home-.-,nv take bus..then we go and buy drink frm the machine near LL house liao then lata all went home liao i walk home myself cause my house far then theirs..lolx..and then reach home eat le rest le nw here writing tis blog=P,tat's all about today le bah=),cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
7:25 AM