Sunday, July 16, 2006
Go to eat Mcdonald in the morning wif my parents and well as my godbro..ask him cum along yesterday de,then go giant and walk..and go home...he stay at here till 3 sumthing then his mother cum and ask him go home slp..,ask me and my sis to go swimming wif them today,ask we all quite alot of times le bt my sis dun wan to go so dun feel lik gg too cos so embarass gg wif his family and me alone outsider..then today ask again...first i say dun wan bt my mum ask me go,i say if sis go i go..funny,sis today wan to go..then mum say she will be gg too^^ bt nv swim onli watch us-_-,then went jurong east swimming pool today wif my godbro,his parent and sis,my mother,sis and me at about 7pm,then reach le,go play lazy pool and play quite alot of time,so quite fun then we go the pool gt wave de,wave haven cum out..then many mosquitos IN the water..kaoz...then we go play lazy pool again-.-,then keep gg round and round at the lazy pool..till we saw the wave then play another two rounds for lazy pool then go to the pool tat hav wave and meet my godbro de parents..godbro de sis is wif us,then at first scare gt mosquitos..hahas,bt then dun hav le,after the wave stop...mosquitos cum again...=.=,then we went lazy pool for awhile then we go up and bath,change shirt le go eat KFC,so tired nw..o.o, at least quite fun lah..see my godbro there keep shivering..lolx..first time saw he cold till lik tat sia,his sis too..hahas,tat's all for today le..cya^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:15 AM