Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Today is LL birthday,me and E went back home and change to PE T-shirt after sch as lata gt CCA,then LL and JT change to their home clothes,we went JP to eat and count as celebrate LL birthday at about 2pm sumthing..went to KFC and eat,four of us buy the same meal^^,and we went to shop for awhile as me and E hav to reach sch at 3.45pm,saw sum yuan ching sec de guys,JT and E wan me and LL help to get their number..hahas...they jkjk onli lah..so paiseh=X,then lata we go 3rd floor,those guys missing..hahas,then E and JT went down to 2nd floor..wan me and LL to find them and they run away=.=",E say wan late late go CCA then i say ok loh=X,cos frisbee is lame..then..me and LL still at 3rd floor..nv care them..then i saw those guys again...call E and JT and tell them,they dun believe thought we r using tricks,time is 3.50pm liao..they still slowly walk up...then i ask E to go CCA liao lah..cos too late muz well dun go...so me and LL went down and they didn't get to saw those guys...then me and E go CCA and JT and LL go home..time we reach CCA is 4.00pm,then actually is to run 3 round and 20 push up+sit up...then we onli run..nope...is walk 3 round then start frisbee game..and went home at about 6pm sumthing...about 7pm..went my godbro house,stay until 8pm...gg home..he cry and wan to come..=(,wan to bring him back bt he tomoro early in the morning still hav to go child care so loh...tat's all le,cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
12:21 PM