Thursday, July 20, 2006
aww~yesterday thought recover le,today come again...-.-,mother ask me dun go sch go see doctor i gt go,cause gt 3 period of d&t leh,nv go lata cannot catch quite suay de,morning CPA,teacher saying my hair too long,kaoz...wanna cut my hair,siao..then pin it up friends oso kana catch accept for LL,PE lesson,the sun was hot..make me feel very faint-.-,then play hockey...dunno why,ppl take the stick i oso take the stick...lata times up le put back the stick,my hand suddenly the skin stick on the stick then i realise tat my hand hav blood,it was pain,bt small wound loh..then math,new things again...then recess head very pain...then my back oso...throat too,after recess le,eng period,do and do the WB,then d&t liao,I tell E tat my hand pain lata hw to do the things,then she wan to tell the teacher,she really did,then we laughing there cause the teacher look blur=X,then go workshop le,continue do loh,then hand very pain...then i do nt nice teacher help me abit,then gt one person hand injured..cut by the material there..then gt one teacher go take the plaster for her,she ask the teacher to get one for me too...then someone help me stick le i continue doing loh,then lata i cut by the material too...same wif the person=.=",then do and do kana cut again...kaoz..3 injuries=(,then after sch le went back le then go to slp,wake up le walk here and there then feel quite unwell de,then eat dinner,then went to downstair wif my mum and bro...didn't get to see my godbro,then went home and nw play com^^,tat's all le,cya

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
10:45 AM