Friday, July 14, 2006
Today everything quite funny de..morning nth much happen, sis go find the four and talk to them about why keep bullying us..then after recess the four very buay song,so they keep saying us...then we didn't care,we do our project for racial harmony day until half,three of the four suddenly cum and apologize to using the kind of attitude...-.-,then JT nt happy wif their attitude so she say,nt happy dun apologize lah..then they start to quarrel,i turn back and shout to JT ask her stop quarrel wif her lah cos very fan and make me can't do my work properly..teacher is there..he is a relief teacher...he angry tat we shouting each others so he ask those who involve stand up..the four gals onli gt three stand,then we all four stand,aren't really happy...teacher ask wat happen..he settle wif us liao we saying all tat we r nt happy wif out,teacher say both sides gt wrong..then we r still in the dark...dun really noe whose is in fault,so they say after sch we settle and discuss outside the we did,wait for them awhile in sch then we go outside the sch..dun really lik the result of discussion..they say we r friends nw,birthday muz giv present??i onli use to giv my BEST friends present...maybe becos one of them birthday cuming so loh..dunno,juz dun lik wat hav been settle...feel to be classmates wif them onli..there's onli three of of them dun wan to come and settle cos she buay song..hack care,hmm...then everything is our FT fault,he dunno anyhow say wat to them so everything become misunderstand...then saw E mum when starting to go home,saw many ppl around the block near the sch..oO,seem lik they r gg to settle sumthing too..hahas..tat's all le..cya^^

I am tired and lazy to carry on everything nw...
7:23 AM